Digitisation of The Year Book

There has been much discussion on the subject of digitisation of the Year Book, and the formation of a sub-committee to study this has been announced in the latest Spring NewsLetter. I am the chair of this sub-committee, and several members have already offered their help.

Our objectives are to ask what use such a digitised output will be put by members (we don't expect it to be available to the public), and how those uses might be best satisfied. A dummy site is in the process of being constructed, so that the various objectives can be shown to work satisfactorily.

Members who have experiences or ideas on the subject are invited to join this sub-committee; tell me what you will bring to the discussion, all of which will be by e-mail, and shared by e-mail. I would prefer that the sub-committee doesn't get too big, so, If you haven't the time to join the sub-committee, any contributions to this discussion forum will be taken into consideration.

The ESC committee has asked that the sub-committee produce its recommendations for consideration by the ESC committee at their meeting  scheduled for May 25th.


Direct e-mails to me at stephengoulden@me.com; other input to this thread.