Alpine Ski Club invitation to all eagles  The Alpine Ski Club's Autumn Lecture and Buffet Wednesday 13th October.  Buffet 7.00pm. Lecture 8.00pm.

Venue: The Alpine Club, 55 Charlotte Road, London EC2A 3QF.   Nearest tube: Old Street exit 3

Speaker Mike Hendry “Round the world: what makes a good ski-touring area?” Mike will be looking at areas round the world where he has and hasn’t ski-toured and asking “why?” Others are welcome to chip in and agree or disagree …

Cost (includes buffet ) £10 per ASC member. Cost for non member £15. Guests very welcome


Booking Form for October 13th Autumn Lecture and Buffet 7.00 for 8.00pm. PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM by October 4thth 2010 to: Ingram Lloyd, The Old Forge, Sulgrave, Banbury, Oxon. OX17 2RP. Email :

Please reserve ………….. place(s) for myself / ourselves and……………guests for the Autumn Lecture and buffet October 13th 2010

I / we enclose my / our cheque made out to the Alpine Ski Club for £…………at £10 per Alpine Ski Club member, £15 per non member

Please print in capital letters names of members and guests attending:
