I am looking to buy map(s) of the area around the Lizumer hut, near Wattens just east of Innsbruck.
There is a F&B 1:50,000 of the area, number WK 151
There is also AV (Alpenverein) Mountain Series which apparently may be available in either walking or ski editions. I think the one of the area is number 33, which I believe is also 1:50,000
The Kompass maps of the area is number 36, also at 1:50,000. I have not been that impressed with Kompass maps in the past.
There is an Austrian official map at 1:25,000, I think the area is covered by No.2229O (east), but not actually seen this. This is the only 1:25,000 map, but I don't know what the Austrian "official" maps are like
Does anyone have any thoughts/advice on the best map for touring?
Many thanks