I’d like to edit and delete my For Sale posts as items get sold. Can’t see how to do it though - help would be appreciated . .
Hi Barbara,
Looks as though there was a time limit on editing your own posts. I have now removed that. See if that has solved the issue.
Many thanks - that’s solved the editing. How would I delete a post once everythings sold?
Click the three dots under the post. You should see a delete button (trash can).
Aha! Thank you. It’s a long learning curve . .
Hi Admin
I’d like to delete some posts - especially For Sale posts where items are already sold. I don’t seem to have permission to delete my own posts - can you assist?
Hi Barbara,
I think the issue is that you want to delete a topic (rather than a post) - and the topic contains replies from other members.
The system won’t let you delete other members’ posts, so you get the “you don’t have permission to delete this topic” message.
One option would be to update the topic title to include, say, “item now sold” or similar. Alternatively, use the icon to notify the moderators about it.